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Surfing pro 凯利斯雷特 created this massive wave pool that offers an elite-level experience in the 中央山谷

中央山谷 的小镇 Lemoore is more than 100 miles from the nearest beach, but it offers waves that attract the best surfers in the world. At 冲浪的牧场冲浪冠军的创意 凯利斯雷特, you can experience cutting-edge wave technology at what many surf insiders consider the ultimate water park.

While 冲浪的牧场 appeals mostly to elite-level surfers and team-building groups, it also offers entry points for casual surfing enthusiasts. 的 Kings County park hosts occasional spectator-friendly competitions, and its “dial-a-wave” technology can accommodate intermediate and even beginning surfers for a one-of-a-kind experience.


Slater’s 冲浪的牧场 boasts of having the longest open-barrel high performance human-made wave in the world. That’s not surprising, since Slater himself has his own list of superlatives. 他被认为是职业冲浪运动员中的标杆, having captured the 世界冲浪联盟 Championship 11 times.

2006年左右, the surfing star started brainstorming with a University of Southern California engineering professor about how to create a pool that would mimic the world’s best surfing waves. 斯莱特的灵感部分来自于 圣奥诺弗雷州立海滩的下栈桥附近的 圣克莱门特, where epic waves are created by tidal forces interacting with the ocean floor’s unique angles and terrain. 这样的波浪池, 斯莱特说过, is not meant to be a replacement for real ocean waves, 而是一种补充. He put together a team of scientists to develop the technology and found a home for it in a former waterski park in the 中央山谷’s Kings County.

的 wave pool’s power comes from a patented hydrofoil generator—a machine that, 从表面看, looks like a giant plow moving down a straight track along the edge of the 2,300英尺长的池. 的 hydrofoil displaces water to create a wave that breaks without losing any of its size. 结果是, a surfer can ride a smooth wave—up to 8 feet high—for nearly a full minute without any “surface chop” to disrupt the ride. To date, it’s the only wave technology that has been certified by the 世界冲浪联盟, meaning the waves are appropriate for WSL elite competition.

冲浪农场现在举办 冲浪牧场专业版, a WSL event that typically occurs in May, just past the halfway point of the elite surfer season. 美国.S. Olympic surfing team uses it for training, too.

“现在, in my eyes it’s still the best wave pool out there,——布雷特·辛普森, 奥林匹克队的总教练, 告诉一个 中央谷新闻机构 in 2023. “It’s the longest, it’s got the most power, it’s the most challenging. 作为初学者, 你有很多乘车时间, but at an expert level you have a lot of room to make mistakes.”


While experts will want to take on the WSL-certified waves, 被称为“CT”(冠军巡回赛)海浪, 池可以创建 waves with lower height and less intense power 业余爱好者也能骑. 在泳池的另一端, the Shore Rollers are ideal for beginners just learning the fundamentals of paddling, 在木板上保持平衡, 捕捉海浪. 的 intermediate Waikiki Wave offers whitewater waves that can reach up to waist-high and extend the length of the pool, 提供尽可能长的行程. 的 Hero Wave, meanwhile, is just a notch below the CT level.

Surfers can bring their own boards or choose a loaner from the 冲浪牧场的会议室. 的 游客指南页 offers tips on what kind of wetsuit to bring for different seasons and 在海浪中航行的指针, including all-purpose tips like how to safely wipe out.

Up to six surfers are allowed in the pool for sessions lasting from one hour to the entire day. A Surf Team Manager will help your group get started, 基于他们的技能和经验, and coaches and guides offer assistance in the water. 的y’ll even record your performance on video to help you learn from mistakes.

的re’s a clubhouse and locker room for suiting up, as well as a patio area with a fire pit and hot tub with views of 的 Wave. 当你在那里, you can borrow gear for playing away from the pool including Electra bicycles, 超级73电动自行车, 和滑板.


Lemoore is located about 45 minutes from the nearest commercial airport, Fresno-Yosemite International Airport (FAT). You can stay overnight at 冲浪的牧场 in one of the six bookable Airstreams or three lakeside cabins, 全部配备床单和毛巾. Or, stay at nearby Lemoore lodging, including a 最佳西方酒店管理集团塔奇宫赌场和度假村,属 圣罗莎牧场塔奇部落.

Your session fee can also cover meals prepared on site with locally sourced ingredients and tailored to your group’s requests. 在停机时间, 享受当地烘焙的咖啡, 冷榨油品果汁, 季节性精酿鸡尾酒, 啤酒和葡萄酒.

To experience more of the 中央山谷, consider adding a trip to nearby 弗雷斯诺县 or (—the latter an excellent launching pad for visiting 红杉资本 & 国王峡谷国家公园. If it’s winter or early spring during your visit, check out the popping colors along the 弗雷斯诺花丛小径 (and if it’s summer, the fruit stands of the 弗雷斯诺水果小径). Any time of year, consider the foodie-friendly 加州中心地带 自驾游还是充满音乐 99号公路自驾游 包括停下来享受 贝克尔斯菲尔德的声音.



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